
Compton : Employee to Be Arraigned in City Hall Burglary Case

Arraignment is scheduled May 23 for Melvin C. Smith, Compton labor relations officer, who is accused of helping arrange the New Year’s weekend theft of more than $100,000 worth of equipment from the city attorney’s office.

Smith, 35, was charged last week with two counts of possession of stolen property after a search by Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies turned up some of the stolen equipment in his Paramount apartment. Smith was arrested Monday. Arraignment will be in Compton Municipal Court.

Among the items stolen were personal computers, telephones, dictating machines, cameras and a fax machine. The search warrant affidavit alleges that Smith arranged to have City Hall doors unlocked for the burglars and then helped them transport and store the stolen goods.


An eight-year city employee, Smith was put on administrative leave last week after the Sheriff’s Department relayed its findings to City Manager Howard Caldwell. The city manager has declined to comment on the case. Police and City Hall sources say that at least one other city employee has been questioned about the burglary.
