
NATION : Shift Panama Aid to Domestic Uses, Senate Democrats Urge

<i> From Times wire services</i>

Saying “charity begins at home,” Senate Democrats took aim today at a bill to send $720 million in emergency aid to Panama and Nicaragua, seeking to shift some of the money from Panama to domestic uses.

“Our own people cry out for help,” said Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.), calling for a national debate on foreign aid priorities. “I’m not saying there shouldn’t be any foreign aid program. But we need a responsible foreign aid program.”

The aid for the new U.S.-backed governments in Central America is the centerpiece of a $2.3-billion supplemental spending bill adopted this week by the Senate Appropriations Committee that also includes money for a variety of uses at home, ranging from food stamps to Hurricane Hugo relief.


The bill, like one passed this month by the House, provides the full $300 million sought by President Bush for Nicaragua and $420 million of the $500 million the President wanted for Panama.

But Byrd, chairman of the Appropriations Committee, offered an amendment cutting aid to Panama by another $120 million. He said the money he wanted to cut was not going for emergencies, pointing out that it included $30 million to encourage tourism to Panama.
