

Clipboard researched by Kathie Bozanich and Janice L. Jones / Los Angeles Times; Graphics by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

There was a 6.8% increase in fatal accidents in Orange County in 1989 from the previous year, while statewide the number of fatal accidents decreased by half of one percent. The good news for Orange County in the California Highway Patrol’s annual figures is that the number of fatal and injury accidents involving drivers who had been drinking decreased 12.9% and 11.1% respectively. Here’s how the county and statewide statistics compare:

ORANGE COUNTY STATEWIDE % % Category 1988 1989 Change 1988 1989 Change INJURY VICTIMS Total 29,496 29,077 -1.4 356,945 363,645 +1.9 Pedestrians 1,055 1,096 +3.9 17,695 18,210 +2.9 Bicyclists 1,735 1,756 +1.2 15,870 16,605 +4.6 Motorcyclists ** 1,945 1,506 -22.6 21,556 19,527 -9.4 Injuries in alcohol- 5,353 4,848 -9.4 65,033 63,937 -1.7 related accidents ACCIDENTS Total fatal 263 281 +6.8 4,859 4,834 -0.5 Fatal accidents 4 6 +50.0 156 159 +1.9 caused by trucks Total injury 20,115 19,504 -3.0 235,491 236,831 +0.6 Injury accidents 348 387 +11.2 5,409 5,545 +2.5 caused by trucks DRINKING DRIVERS Have-been-drinking 116 101 -12.9 2,027 2,038 +0.5 drivers in fatal accidents Have-been-drinking 3,377 3,001 -11.1 39,841 38,514 -3.3 drivers in injury accidents OTHER FIGURES Pedestrians killed 64 69 +7.8 1,084 983 -9.3 Bicyclists killed 17 13 -23.5 138 117 -15.2 Motorcyclists killed ** 42 43 +2.4 603 620 +2.8 Deaths in alcohol- 134 122 -9.0 2,510 2,509 * related accidents

** Includes mopeds * Less than 1%

Source: California Highway Patrol
