
Controversy Over Bart Simpson: ‘Underachiever and Proud of It’

Where I Live The story I’m about to tell takes place in Compton. Where I live the grass don’t grow in the neighbors don’t come out there house.

From a gangster point of view this is home sweet home, from my point of view it’s hard to escape.

Every day is a new nightmare, every nite is the same routine. In order to walk in my shoes you have to have a strong heart, if not than less than a week you have a heart attack.


I take my chances so I walk to the liquor store hoping and praying that no one will drive by and kill me.

I commend you on your response to the ban Bart Simpson campaign. This issue has been carried entirely too far. It seems to me that forbidding the wearing of T-shirts with “Underachiever and proud of it” is far less of a concern than some of the other problems facing schools.

While Bart expresses ideas and attitudes that are not particularly complimentary of parents, teachers and nuclear weapons, he also allows the public a way to vent some frustrations. Bart is not meant to be an ideal for kids; he is only a cartoon character who is outspoken sometimes.


If there is such a problem with Bart in the minds of some parents and teachers, why not think about some of the other role models that are out there? Role models such as athletic superstars who swear continually, abuse drugs and alcohol and gamble. Or rock stars who use lewd lyrics and gestures. When you think of the alternatives, Bart sounds pretty good.


