
Santa Monica Passes Stiff Law on Ozone

The Santa Monica City Council has voted unanimously to phase out the use of ozone-depleting compounds in the city, making it one of three cities in the nation to do so.

City staff members said other cities that have taken similar action include Newark, N.J., and Irvine.

The ordinance will require businesses servicing auto air-conditioners to use chlorofluorocarbon recycling and recovery units as of Jan. 1, 1991. Effective Jan. 1, 1992, the measure will prohibit the sale of Freon in aerosol cans; outlaw the use, manufacture, sale or distribution of building products that use ozone-depleting compounds, and prohibit businesses that sell or service Halon-containing fire extinguishing systems from releasing Halon, an ozone-depleting compound, unless a Halon-reclamation system is used.


Violation of the ordinance will be a misdemeanor and violators could be subject to civil action. The law is expected to become effective in 45 days.
