
Enrica Stuart’s Freedom of Speech

Thank you to Tim Waters’ recent article “Silencing an Outspoken Publisher” about Enrica Stuart.

Rancho Palos Verdes’ City Council naturally finds her investigative journalism offensive--she has consistently and accurately exposed behind-the-scenes council dealings and developer conflict of interest.

The council has yet to refute her credible and well-researched articles. Stuart has developed a respected reputation on the hill for credible and truthful reporting--when her papers appear at no cost in local outlets they are immediately snatched up, especially since people are hungry for an alternative to the benign Peninsula News.


(Mayor Mel) Hughes’ effort to silence her at council meetings should be condemned and she should be allowed to speak. Since when is a member of the press not entitled to speak as a private citizen in one’s own community?

Freedom of speech is a guaranteed right in this country, including RPV. Hughes and the RPV Council should be reminded, since they appear to have forgotten.



Rancho Palos Verdes
