

I was featured by Clancy Sigal in “Doing the Right Thing.” I was quite shocked by my portrayal and the series of inaccuracies regarding my personal life and activities at USC.

- I have never been a member of YAF, though I did attend several meetings in my freshman year.

- I never saw a burning wall fall on my father while watching TV.

- Because I was born in 1969, I was a “Nixon baby,” not the Reagan variety born in the 1980s.


- I do not own a tweed jacket or coat.

- I never communicated to Sigal anything even remotely suggesting: “He does not, however, have much time for minorities in the same predicament.” I believe that all people should be treated with the respect that one would like for one’s self.

- I have never read more than two or three of the voluminous Federalist Papers, which does not put me in much of a position to quote from them. Though I did last read a treatise by Locke in 1988, I wouldn’t be able to quote from it right now even if my life depended on it.

When Sigal called me after he had written the piece to check quotes, none of the quotes your readers were given were mentioned to me.



Los Angeles
