
Force Used on Striking Janitors

Striking janitors and supporters walked on sidewalks going west up Olympic Boulevard to Century Park Boulevard where we meant to turn and walk on sidewalks to picket the millionaire owners for decent wages and conditions (“Police Use Force to Block Strike March,” Part B, June 16). Los Angeles policemen had cleared traffic off the streets and when we got to Century Park we were confronted with a line of police with clubs, helmets and face masks.

Police have a right to arrest people for breaking the law but they cannot punish people on the spot by beating unarmed civilians with clubs. Law and order applies to the police and, besides, no laws were being broken. This was a legal strike with a permit to demonstrate.

In Tian An Men Square it was about 30 days before the butchers mowed people down. President Bush and our politicians clearly exhibit hypocrisy by continuing favored-nation status with China.


At Olympic and Century Park it took about 60 seconds for the police to begin pushing and clubbing. The high-roller employers in Century City used police as strikebreakers. The police should be punished for breaking the laws against violence and injury to unarmed civilians.


Los Angeles
