
Gianturco on Props. 111, 108

Adriana--you still don’t get it, do you? But then, not having ever really lived here, even when you worked here, how could we expect you to understand California.

Let’s see if we can get it straight for you. Californians want to drive their cars, only faster. The only reason we vote for rail is so that other people will ride it, thereby allowing us to get to where we want to go faster in our automobiles. This may not work forever but it is what we want for as long as we can have it.

What’s more, we are willing to pay for our automobile travel with a user tax--a gas tax--if we know that we are going to get what we are paying for. However, most of us are against any form of tax increase. But this time, out of sheer desperation, we even overcame that inhibition.


This is what Prop. 111 proved.


Santa Ana
