
Monrovia : Pharmacia Building Cited

The Pharmacia building at 605 E. Huntington Drive is a co-recipient of the 1990 Golden Nugget Award for best industrial project.

Boone Fetter Associates of Santa Fe Springs, developer of the building, won along with the Irvine Co. in Newport Beach.

Pharmacia is a Swedish-owned, multinational pharmaceutical company that had facilities in several Pasadena locations but wanted to consolidate its 400 employees in a single office, according to a press release by architects Richard Chan Associates.


Although the building site had the required 140,000 square feet of space, parking could only be accommodated with a two-story parking structure across busy Huntington Drive. Developer Blaine Fetter came up with the solution that won the award: a pedestrian bridge that crosses Huntington, providing access between the parking structure and the building.

The awards were presented last month in San Francisco by the Pacific Coast Builders Conference and the Glendale-based Sun/Coast Architect/Builder magazine.
