
Hot Lines : Where to Find Help at Your Fingertips

Compiled by Times Researcher Cecilia Rasmussen

From the comfort of your living room or kitchen table, you can have access to information on the latest in AIDS therapies or get help locating a missing child. You also can chat with Santa or turn in smog-producing drivers by using some of the toll-free hot lines run by businesses, nonprofit groups and government agencies. This is a listing of some of those numbers.

Youth Services

Best Buddies of America--This nonprofit organization sponsors a program in which college students befriend people with mental disabilities, taking them on recreational and social outings. For more information, call (800) 752-8372 from noon to 8 p.m.

California Runaway--This hot line, run by the California Criminal Justice Planning Department, offers information, referrals and counseling. The caller’s identity is kept confidential. Operators will relay a message to a family member without revealing the whereabouts of the caller. Open 24 hours. (800) 843-5200.


Child Find of America--When police have been unable to find a missing child and the parents cannot afford a private detective, this hot line can help. It contacts law enforcement agencies, social service workers and school personnel. Open 24 hours. (800) I-AM-LOST. Child Find also offers a mediation program that encourages parents who have abducted a child to bring the youngster home. The service also offers counseling to parents who are contemplating abduction. Open 24 hours.(800) A-WAY-OUT.

Homework--In this program, run by the Los Angeles Unified School District, college students help youngsters from city, county and private schools with English and math. The line is open from 3:30 to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday during the school year and from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday during the summer. (800) LA STUDY.

L.A. County Children’s Services Department--Callers who use this hot line can report suspected abuse or receive general information and counseling from social workers. Information is available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; the reporting service is available 24 hours. (800) 540-4000.


Missing Children--The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children takes calls 24 hours a day from anyone who wants to report seeing a missing child or report the disappearance of a child. (800) THE-LOST.Runaways--Covenant House runs a well-known hot line dubbed the Nineline--800-999-9999. Runaways who call the number are referred to an agency in their area. Runaways also can send messages to their parents without revealing their location. The line is open 24 hours a day.

Santa Claus--If you’ve been real good and you want to tell Santa yourself, call the Ho-Ho Hot Line, sponsored by the Hillhaven Corp., a Tacoma, Wash., firm that runs homes for the elderly. The line is staffed by volunteers who field calls from kids who want to talk to Santa. This year, the line will be open from Dec. 11-24, and the “thank you line” will be open Dec. 26 and 27. The line is open daily from 1 to 5 p.m. in each time zone. (800) 442-XMAS.


Anti-Drugs--The Los Angeles Police Department runs a hot line that, officials say, offers a speedy response to city and county residents reporting neighborhood drug activity. Open 24 hours. (800) 662-BUST.


WeTIP--Informants can use this line to report anonymously on crime--from arson and auto theft to tax evasion and fruit smuggling. Open 24 hours nationwide. (800) 78 CRIME, (800) 87-FRAUD or (800) 472-7766.

Shopping Carts--Sponsored by the food industry, this number allows vigilant shoppers to report stolen or abandoned grocery carts. Open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. (800) 252-4613.


Pesticides--Sponsored by the National Pesticide Telecommunication Network and funded by the EPA, this line gives callers information and referrals on various chemicals used to get rid of unwanted pests. Callers also can get information in cases of suspected pesticide poisoning. Open 24 hours. (800) 858-PEST.

Recycling/Household Hazardous Waste--The county’s Waste Management Division fields questions on curbside recycling programs in unincorporated areas of the county. The line also offers information about household hazardous waste roundups throughout the county. Open 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. (800) 552-5218.

Service Station Pollutants--Sponsored by the AQMD, callers can report a gasoline odor or leak, a cut in a hose, faulty vapor recovery system, or faulty shut-off system. You can also alert authorities if toxic warning signs or directions on how to pump gas are not posted. Open 24 hours. (800) 242-4020.

Smog--Here’s your chance to do something about smog. This line, also sponsored by the AQMD, allows callers to report emissions violators and dust, odors or smoke coming from a company or landfill. Open 24 hours. Take a deep breath, then dial (800) CUT-SMOG or (800) 572-6306.


Water Cops--Operated by the Department of Water and Power, this line gives the public the chance to report violators of the city water conservation law. An answering machine takes calls 24 hours a day. (800) 722-1122.


Abortion--Sponsored by the National Abortion Federation, this line gives information and referrals on clinics in requested locations. Open 12:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. (800) 772-9100.

Abortion--Project Rachel is supported by the Orange County Catholic Diocese and puts callers in touch with specially trained counselors or clergy to offer guidance and counseling following abortion. Open 24 hours. (800) RACHEL-6.

AIDS--Sponsored by the Southern California AIDS program and AIDS Project L.A., this line offers information about the disease and referrals to service agencies throughout Southern California. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. (800) 922-AIDS. The National Centers for Disease Control offers a similar line that is open 24 hours. (800) 342-AIDS.

AIDS Therapies--This line, which receives both public and private funds, is run by the National AIDS Program and provides the latest information on the availability of experimental AIDS treatments. Open noon to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday (800) TRIALS-A.

Grief Recovery--The Grief Recovery Institute provides referrals and operators who are trained listeners for those who have lost a loved one or are going through a divorce. Open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. (800) 445-4808.


Life-Savers--This nonprofit organization recruits volunteer marrow donors for victims of leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, aplastic anemia and other serious blood disorders. Open 24 hours. (800) 950-1050.

Suicide--This crisis prevention line is sponsored by the Humanistic Health Foundation, which offers information, referrals and counseling 24 hours. (800) 333-4444.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases--The American Social Health Assn. offers information and referrals to the nearest clinics. Open 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Friday. (800) 227-8922.

Human Services

Battered Women--The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides information and referrals. Open 24 hours. (800) 333-SAFE.

Children’s Home Society of California--This multi-service organization provides information on adoption, volunteer services, family support and child, foster, group home and shelter care. Open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. (800) 247-1891.

Elder Abuse--Sponsored by the Department of Public Social Services, this line provides information and refers elder abuse victims, concerned citizens and potential or actual abusers to the Adult Protective Services Department. Open 24 hours. (800) 992-1660.


Lawyer Sobriety--”The Other Bar,” a statewide volunteer lawyers network, refers lawyers, their families and other legal professionals who have substance abuse or stress-related problems to special help groups. Open 24 hours. (800) 222-0767.

Rape--Volunteers with the East Los Angeles Rape Center help guide assault victims through the legal maze and provide free therapy or counseling. Open 24 hours. (800) 282-6231.

Senior Citizens--Sponsored by the Los Angeles Department of Aging, this line provides information and referrals on Meals on Wheels, legal aid, transportation and in-home supportive services for seniors. Open 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. (800) 834-4777.


Amnesty--Sponsored by the National Assn. of Latino Elected Officials and the Coalition of Humane Immigration Rights of Los Angeles, this line offers information and referrals for amnesty procedures and appeals. Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. (800) 346-2536.

Asian Directory Service--This nationwide directory assistance program sponsored by several Asian companies assists the Asian community in finding goods and services by staffing the line with operators who speak Cantonese and Mandarin. 24 hours. (800) 777-CLUB.

Community Access Library Line--CALL is a multilingual information and referral service and literacy program run by the Los Angeles County Public Library, which matches students with tutors. Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. (800) 372-6641.


Commuting--Los Angeles Commuter Express, run by the Department of Transportation, gives information on bus routes from much of the San Fernando Valley and the South Bay to downtown. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. (800) 832-3434.

Info Line-- This all-purpose hot line, funded by United Way and the Department of Public Social Services, helps direct you to the group in the county that meets your special needs. 24 hours. (800) 242-4612.

Medfly Spraying--The state Department of Food and Agriculture provides information on malathion spraying areas. (800) 225-1346 and (800) 356-2894.
