
Woo’s Remarks

My comments in Greg Braxton’s article on Peter Sellars (“Artist at the Helm,” Aug. 31) implied criticism of Sellars and the work he has done on the festival. On the contrary, I have worked very closely with Peter and his associates on what I eagerly anticipate to be a wonderful event, and I have nothing but respect for the work of the festival director and his staff.

I was interviewed by Braxton nearly two weeks ago, before the banners had gone up and before The Times ran its supplement on the festival. These things, and others, have done much to ease my earlier concern that the festival hadn’t reached out to a mainstream audience.

In any case, I don’t have the slightest intention of sounding a negative note on the eve of the festival. Congratulations, Peter--and to everyone who has worked so hard to create and support the L.A. Festival.




13th District
