
San Diego

Sagon Penn, who was twice acquitted in the 1985 slaying of a police officer, was arrested Friday on charges of battery and filing false court documents involving a dispute with a former girlfriend and her fiance.

Penn, of San Diego, was charged with two felony counts of falsifying court documents and one count of battery, a misdemeanor, according to Linda Miller, a spokeswoman for the district attorney’s office.

On Aug. 17, Penn requested a restraining order from a Superior Court judge that required Penn’s former girlfriend, Donna Parks, to stay away from him, Miller said.


The judge granted the order, but Penn then allegedly added handwritten provisions ordering Maurice Bell, Parks’ fiance, to stay away from Parks and her daughter, Miller said.

The battery charge against Penn stems from an alleged altercation between Penn and Bell three days before the judge issued the restraining order, Miller said. Penn allegedly grabbed Bell and threatened him, Miller said.

Since his acquittals for the slaying of Police Officer Thomas Riggs and the wounding of another officer and a civilian, Penn has been involved in numerous disputes with Parks, police said.
