
Migrant Deaths

Faced with the ongoing tragic situation of people being killed on San Diego County freeways at a rate of one person a week (“The Lethal Path to the North,” Sept. 2), the attitude of the California Department of Transportation is appalling.

In typical bureacrat-ese, a Caltrans spokesman states that “very radical” measures are now being contemplated. After 116 deaths in only 3 1/2 years, no measure that could stop the bloodshed should be considered too radical. Reduction of the speed limit in the area around Dairy Mart Road for example, should be implemented immediately and strictly enforced.

Also outrageous is the public’s lack of concern. I can’t help but think that, in this enlightened area, the killing of 116 deer or a couple of whales would create a greater stir than the loss of human life being ignored on the grounds that the victims are in the United States illegally.



Chula Vista
