
Reagan Gets In Licks at Wall

From Associated Press

Former President Ronald Reagan used a hammer and chisel on the defunct Berlin Wall today, like thousands before him taking symbolic swings at the old Cold War barrier.

“We cannot be happy until the whole world knows freedom as we know it,” Reagan told a crowd of well-wishers.

Three years ago, he called on the Soviets to tear down the wall, but few thought it was likely to happen soon.


Now the wall has been open for 10 months, and Reagan returned to West Berlin to walk through the old border area at which he made his “tear down the wall” speech in June, 1987.

The 79-year-old ex-President was greeted by applause and shouts of “Bravo, Ronnie!” as he headed to the wall area.

Reagan and his wife, Nancy, were escorted by the mayors of East Berlin and West Berlin as they strolled through the landmark Brandenburg Gate and on to the former border that divided Berlin.


The Reagans went another 300 feet to a stretch of the wall that still stands. There, he took his swings at the wall in brilliant, sunny weather.
