
Substitutes Pave Way for Fillmore Win

Fillmore High played without its starting running backs during a 26-0 season-opening victory over Pater Noster on Saturday night.

Tory Cabral, an All-Southern Section tailback, and Anthony Chessani, a senior fullback, were suspended from last week’s game because of a violation of school rules, according to Coach Curtis Garner.

In their stead, Jon Alvarado and Val Pillado combined for 165 yards and three touchdowns. However, Garner said that he expected Cabral and Chessani to start Friday against Oak Park.


In 1989, Cabral rushed for 1,555 yards and 15 touchdowns in leading Fillmore to the Division IX quarterfinals. Chessani, a starter as a sophomore, did not play last season.
