
Auto DryWash Cloth Cleans Without Water

Trying to conserve water during the drought? Check out the KozaK Auto DryWash Cloth, a specially treated cotton cloth that cleans without soap and water. It removes dirt and dust and leaves a nice shine.

Although it’s not new--KozaK cloths were invented in 1926--the product is timely, considering the water shortage and, in many places, the bans on using water to wash vehicles. One cloth is good for about 50 cleanings; it will not take off tar or other sticky substances.

In Southern California, KozaK Auto DryWash Cloths are available at Fedco. You can also order them from the factory. Two cloths cost $13.95 including shipping and handling.


Write to KozaK Auto DryWash, 6 S. Lyon St., Department A, P.O. Box 910, Batavia, N.Y. 14021; or call the toll-free number, (800) 283-9274, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EDT.

Litestyler Booklets Make Dieting Easier

Time for a little weight-watching? You might consider a new aid: Litestyler pocket-size booklets that tell you what’s good and bad in a variety of foods.

There are “Snack Checkers” 1 and 2, which give the calorie, fat, cholesterol, carbohydrate and protein counts in more than 1,800 kinds of drinks and munchies.


The “Real Food Checker” contains nutrition breakdowns for more than 900 whole food items and includes dietary exchange values, based on the American Diabetic Assn. values.

The “Fast Food Checker” focuses on the menus of the 19 largest national fast-food chains. There’s also a separate journal for recording calorie intake. The cost is $3.95 for a one-month log; $10.95 for three; $20.95 for six.

The Litestyler booklets are available nationwide in selected supermarkets, drug and discount stores, gift and novelty shops, clinics, hospitals and doctors’ offices. They can also be purchased through mail order: Snack Checker 1 and 2 cost $10.95; Real Food Checker and Fast Food Checker, $5.95 each. Or you can order all four for $19.95, plus $2 shipping and handling.


Contact Litestyler Systems, P.O. Box 9983, San Diego, Calif. 90340; (619) 270-5540.
