
Debate Over the Church and Celibacy

Re: Jane Redmont’s column “What Constitutes a Whole Person?” Commentary, Sept. 7) concerning celibacy in the Roman Catholic Church. It is obvious that Redmont fails to understand the whole truth of Catholicism.

What was to me most disturbing was the lie that “The Roman Catholic Church has developed a culture of concealment and secrecy around these (heterosexual and homosexual) relationships (among priests) that breeds stress, lies and heartbreak.”

What is at issue here is commitment. When a priest vows celibacy, he disavows intimate relationships with anyone but Christ. Just as in marriage, our vows to our spouse disavow intimate relationships with anyone but our spouse.


The recent scandal of Atlanta Archbishop Eugene Marino shows only that there are priests who break their vows, just as there are people who are unfaithful to their spouses. This does not constitute changing Roman Catholic doctrine any more than infidelity among married couples constitutes the abolition of the sacrament and institution of marriage.


