
Glendora : $150,000 for Youth Facility

The city of Glendora, Glendora Rotary Club and city businesses have raised $150,000 for a new youth meeting facility.

The Rotary Youth Hut is under construction in Finkbiner Park, at Cullen and Dalton avenues. The project is expected to be completed in time for Paulo V. C. Costa, president of Rotary International, to dedicate the building Dec. 30.

The facility will feature two large meeting rooms, a kitchen, and a storage area for supplies.


The city donated $50,000 toward the project; $10,000 came from the Rotary Club, and $90,000 came from businesses and residents. About $12,000 is still needed for landscaping and furnishings. For more information, call (818) 963-8856 or 963-7666.
