
San Diego

A Union bank branch in Southeast San Diego was robbed Wednesday of nearly $2,000, police said.

The bandit entered the bank in the 1600 block of Euclid Avenue at 10:40 a.m. and showed a note to a teller, police spokesman Bill Robinson said. The note demanded $100, $50 and $20 bills but did not say the bandit was armed, Robinson said. No gun was seen. The robber fled on foot with $1,970.

The man was described as black, about age 27, 5-foot-6, 150 pounds. He was wearing a dark blue baseball cap, silver mirror sunglasses, a short sleeve blue button-down shirt and dark blue pants. Robinson said police do not believe the robbery was part of the series of bank robberies that have plagued San Diego this summer. Police and the FBI on Tuesday arrested a man suspected of being the “passbook” bandit who robbed 23 local financial institutions.
