4th Chess Match Game Adjourned
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NEW YORK — The fourth game of the world championship chess match between champion Garry Kasparov and challenger Anatoly Karpov was adjourned Wednesday night after 40 moves.
Play was halted at 10:30 p.m. when Kasparov wrote down his 41st move and sealed it in an envelope. The game is to be resumed this afternoon.
Kasparov, with 2 points to Karpov’s 1, had the white pieces in the latest game of the $3-million world championship match. Game 3 ended in a draw Tuesday night. Kasparov won the second game on Oct. 10. The first game, played Oct. 8, ended in a draw.
Here are the moves from Wednesday’s match:
1. e4/e5; 2. Nf3/Nc6; 3. Bb5/a6; 4. Ba4/Nf6; 5. 0-0/Be7; 6. Re1/b5; 7. Bb3/d6; 8. c3/0-0; 9. h3/Bb7; 10. d4/Re8; 11. Nbd2/Bf8; 12. a4/h6; 13. Bc2/exd4; 14. cxd4/Nb4; 15. Bb1/c5;
16. d5/Nd7; 17. Ra3/f5; 18. exf5/Nf6; 19. Ne4/Bxd5; 20. Nxf6ch/Qxf6; 21. Bd2/Qxb2; 22. Bxb4/Bf7; 23. Re6/Qxb4; 24. Rb3/Qxa4; 25. Bc2/Rad8; 26. Rbe3/Qb4; 27. g3/a5; 28. Nh4/d5; 29. Qe2/Qc4; 30. Bd3/Qc1ch;
31. Kg2/c4; 32. Bc2/Bxe6; 33. Rxe6/Rxe6; 34. Qxe6ch/Kh8; 35. Ng6ch/Kh7; 36. Qe2/Qg5; 37. f6/Qxf6; 38. Nxf8ch/Kg8; 39. Ng6/Qf7; 40. Ne7ch/Kf8; 41. Move sealed by white. Game adjourned.