
Legislative Bill Would Speed Malibu Cityhood

Supporters of Malibu cityhood have again turned to the state Legislature in a bid to speed up incorporation of their seaside community.

A measure that would nullify Los Angeles County’s efforts to delay cityhood, similar to one vetoed by Gov. George Deukmejian in September, was introduced this week by Sen. Ed Davis (R-Santa Clarita). Cityhood backers expressed confidence that the new measure will win the lawmakers’ approval and be ready for soon-to-be Gov. Pete Wilson’s signature by mid-February.

“We think our chances look good all the way around,” Mayor-Elect Walt Keller said.

If approved, the measure, which was co-sponsored by Sen. Gary Hart (D-Santa Barbara), would clear the way for Malibu to become a city almost immediately after being signed by the governor.


Unlike the previous bill, also sponsored by Davis, the new measure contains several provisions aimed at thwarting possible further delays by county officials.
