
PLATFORM : Life Is Too Fast

With all the problems in El Salvador, she wants to go back. She was planning to stay, but she doesn’t want to be here anymore. Life here is too fast for her and there are too many things going on.

It is the way people live here, she says. There is too much gang stuff. She watches the news, and she is not happy about it. She sees that everything is so fast. She sees us rushing in the morning to go to work. We have to go to the baby-sitter, go to jobs. We rush back home late in the day. There is no time to spend with family. We are always on the run. There is no time for nothing here, she says. That kind of life she is not used to.

She is not worried about the fighting (in El Salvador). Most of the fighting is in the countryside. She is from Santa Ana, about an hour north of San Salvador, so she has not really seen the fighting.
