
AIDS and a Community: The Impact on the Gay Lifestyle in Laguna Beach

Your recent front page story on AIDS, Laguna Beach and gays came with unbelievable timing when you were reporting on the journalistic discrimination of racial minorities. Yet you print as “news” sensationalized recollections of long-ago wild parties given by Laguna gays in a way that inflame people’s sense of Christian righteousness, bigotry and hatred. This is not the responsible reporting that I am used to reading in The Times.

I am a Laguna Beach resident who loves my city. I am straight. I have friends in both the straight and gay community. I am actively involved in the fight against AIDS. I feel that your recent article must have been published without thought about what it might cost:

* Laguna Beach and its fight against AIDS and its fight for human rights.

* Citizens of Laguna Beach who are so proud of their city that they recently put together an 80% majority to tax themselves in order to “save the canyon.”


I suggest that an in-depth article on AIDS and what the Laguna Beach community is doing about it might be appropriate at this time. Laguna is leading the nation in this fight and does not deserve the effects this article may bring.

JAMES C. LOOMIS, Laguna Beach
