
THE GULF WAR: The Diplomatic Front

In Washington: Congress closed ranks behind U.S. military forces, its members still anxious but encouraged by the success of the initial air strikes against Iraq. Democrats and Republicans argued over giving credit to President Bush as they drafted a resolution commending the U.S. military in the gulf.

In the United States: Initial Public Reaction to the air strikes was strongly positive according to a Washington Post-ABC News Poll. About 76% supported the decision to go to war and most predicted a short conflict. About 22% said they disapproved. Public opinion typically surges in support of a president at the start of war or other crisis.

In the Mideast: Jordan closed off its international airport and airspace as Amman condemned “the brutal attack against Iraq”. . . The PLO urged all Arabs to avenge a “black day in history” by fighting on behalf of Saddam Hussein. . . The Occupied Territories, which were under curfew, were quiet; a feared Palestinian uprising sparked by the war has not occurred.


In Europe: European foreign ministers expressed support for Operation Desert Storm and began talks on what their role will be in establishing peace in the Middle East one the current crisis ends Peace activists staged anti-war demonstrations in several European cities.
