

McDonnell Douglas beat out General Dynamics’ Convair division in San Diego for the biggest piece of the Navy’s latest order for Tomahawk sea-launched cruise missiles, said to be used to devastating effect in the war with Iraq. McDonnell Douglas will build 240 of the 400 missiles in the new order, collecting $253.9 million. Convair will build the remaining 160 for $188.6 million. The missiles are due to be delivered by March, 1993.

* Multinational companies and institutions--particuarly American firms--in Brussels, a major international crossroads, are demanding that cleaning firms not include Arabs in the crews sent to scrub their offices. The organizations cite security concerns. Among the groups refusing to let Arabs clean is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Air France announced surcharges on ticket prices for flights to and from the Mideast and eastern Mediterranean because of high insurance premiums.


* Playing catch-up with Japanese auto makers in the United States, Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler Corp. said they would extend benefits and maintain pay up to six months for employees called to active military service. General Motors announced similar plans earlier this week.
