
Revised U.S. Census Figures Higher for 4 Westside Cities

Revised figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau last week showed moderate upward adjustments in the population totals for Beverly Hills, Culver City, Santa Monica and West Hollywood.

The figures were revised after city governments complained that specific residential blocks were missed in the nationwide census last year.

They may be changed yet again up to July 15, depending on a review by the U.S. Commerce Department.


Released last Friday, the new figures still showed that the four cities are losing population or growing at a slower rate than expected by state demographers, who used a different methodology based on birth and death records, drivers’ licenses, and construction and demolition permits.

The table shows the latest totals announced by the Census Bureau, followed by the preliminary figures released last August, the final figures from the 1980 census and the state estimates for 1990.

Separate figures are not yet available for the Westside portion of the city of Los Angeles, or for unincorporated communities.


City Jan. ’91 Aug. ’90 1980 State est. Beverly Hills 31,971 31,783 32,367 34,294 Culver City 38,793 38,528 38,139 41,197 Santa Monica 86,905 85,880 88,314 96,891 W. Hollywood 36,118 35,121 35,703 38,436
