

Here is a guide to the basic types of weapons that ordinary soldiers use to fight a modern war. Examples of common U.S. models of each type are shown, along with the typical firing trajectory and effective range. Rifle M-16A2 Most soldiers carry a rifle, but they are useful only for shooting at enemy troops you can see, an infrequent event. DIRECT FIRE: 1,300 ft. Rifle with grenade launcher M-16A2 Adding a grenade launcher to a rifle gives a soldier more explosive punch at close range. DIRECT FIRE: 800 ft. Machine gun M-60 The main soldier-killer in World War I, useful against low-flying aircraft. AREA FIRE: Up to 6,000 ft. Rocket launcher AT-4 Light shoulder-fired rockets are potent weapons against light tanks. DIRECT FIRE: 1,000 ft. Mortar M-19 By firing in a high arc, mortars can hit targets behind hills and obstacles with closely spaced blasts. INDIRECT FIRE: Range depends on ammunition Howitzer M-114 Howitzers’ low arc firing can deliver powerful shells fairly accurately over long ranges. DIRECT OR INDIRECT FIRE: Up to nine miles Guided missiles TOW Guided weapons achieve accurate firing without wasting shots, but are very expensive. GUIDED FIRE: 200-12,000 ft. Source: Jane’s Infantry Weapons, Jane’s Armour and Artillery, Jane’s Weapons Systems
