
CLIPBOARD : Viewers’ Pledges

Orange County’s public television station, KOCE Channel 50, received more than 2,500 pledges during its recently-completed fund-raising drive, the most since 1987--the earliest year for which information is available. Since a downturn from 1987 to 1988, the number of pledges the station has received during its annual drive has increased each year--culminating in the 14% jump this year.

New pledges as a percentage of the total number received have remained at about the same level as in years past, however. About two-thirds of KOCE’s pledges this year were new; the high point was 71%, in 1988.

% Change New Pledges Total From Previous New as a % Year Pledges Year Pledges Renewals of Total 1991 2,568 +14 1,590 635 62 1990 2,260 +11 1,392 549 62 1989 2,042 +5 1,213 534 59 1988 1,938 -24 1,370 366 71 1987 2,534 -- 1,602 578 63


Note: Those pledges that are not new or renewals were undesignated

5-YEAR CONTRIBUTION TREND (in thousands) 1987: $186,819 1988: $117,580 1989: $134,962 1990: $136,257 1991: $176,446 Source: KOCE, Channel 50
