
BETTER BLOOD: Donated blood is getting healthier,...

BETTER BLOOD: Donated blood is getting healthier, above, and the recent increase of such blood with HIV antibodies is “statistically insignificant,” says Dr. Arell Shapiro, medical director of Orange County American Red Cross Blood Services. . . . She says most donors who know they may be at risk of AIDS due to intravenous drug use or sexual activity know better than to try to give blood. A positive test for HIV antibodies puts people at a high risk for AIDS.

Better Blood

Units of blood donated to Orange County chapter of American Red Cross that HIV-positive antibodies, per 100,000 units:

‘85*: 38.7

‘86: 29.1

‘87: 10.6

‘88: 6.7

‘89: 12.6

‘90**: 13.7

* Mar. through Dec.

** Jan. through Oct.
