
Judge Wrong to Blame Girl in Abuse Case

It is extremely disturbing to hear an authority figure--(Judge Luis A. Cardenas; “Judge Likens Molestation Victim to ‘Tart,’ ” July 19)--objectifying a 13-year-old victim to pastry.

Not only was he blaming the victim--making her less than a human being but more than a young teen-ager--he once again perpetuated a very, very blinding misconception. Please allow me to set the record straight: Molestation has nothing to do with the victim’s sexual knowledge, interest or experience; molestation is all about anger, control, violence and destruction.

This society has great knowledge and resources to solve our problems. However, I fear we will not because of people in high places who give credence to harmful myths that clear the way for ongoing victimization.

BARBARA WEST, Laguna Hills
