
At the Bowl With Judy

I was so happy to read the article on the Hollywood Bowl and the rain factor (“Getting the Bowl Rolling,” Calendar, July 9). I was one of the 18,000 Judy Garland fans enthralled with her concert who sat in a California rain for two hours Sept. 16, 1961. The article brought back memories of a miraculous night. First of all, Judy stood out the storm (couldn’t she have gotten electrocuted or something?) and we, the audience, sat out the storm for her concert.

Being 24 at the time, single and putting myself through UCLA, I could only afford the $3.75 ticket. Luckily I had field glasses to get a close-up view now and then. I don’t remember the hoopla about “Over the Rainbow” that Patton Moore mentioned, but I know from notes I had written shortly after the concert that we wouldn’t let Judy leave that stage and that she even repeated “San Francisco.”

I appeared at a friend’s party after the concert, but my notes remind me that I didn’t relate to anyone or anything for most of the night because of that most exhilarating of experiences--to see Judy Garland live in concert!



