
GRIM NEWS: The number of Orange County...

GRIM NEWS: The number of Orange County homicides has been increasing since 1987, says the coroner’s office. . . . Still, more people died at their own hand than were murdered. Although there were 174 homicides here last year, 290 people killed themselves. Two of them were 15 years old. Of the homicides, Deputy Coroner James Beisner said: “All I see is the superficial, which is more drugs, more people, possibly more gangs.”

Homicides on the Rise

The number of homicides in the county has escalated yearly since 1987, with an 8% increase between 1989 and 1990. 1986: 112 1987: 99 1988: 129 1989: 161 1990: 174 Source: Orange County Coroner’s office
