
Gang Feud Ends With 1 Dead, 1 Hurt

A feud between two rival gangs from Bell Gardens ended in a shooting in San Pedro that killed one 16-year-old gang member, Los Angeles police said this week.

Miguel Rosas Ramos died from several shotgun wounds after he and other members of the Bell Gardens gang were confronted by a rival gang shortly before midnight last Friday at Point Fermin Park, homicide Detective Larry Kallestad said.

A 15-year-old youth, who was not identified by police, was wounded in the shooting and was discharged Tuesday from San Pedro Peninsula Hospital.


Kallestad said the incident began when members of the two rival gangs clashed in Bell Gardens. One carload of gang members chased the other to the San Pedro park and were joined by seven more carloads of gang members from Bell Gardens, he said.

After the shooting, about two dozen youths were seen fleeing the park.

No arrests have been made in the case, Kallestad said.
