
Wilson’s Veto of Gay Job Bias Bill

Though Gov. Wilson’s unconscionable and cowardly veto of AB 101 is most certainly a “shame” as you put it (editorial, “Political Veto” Oct. 1), it deserves much more vehement condemnation. In his veto, the governor demonstrates, in de facto support of gay-bashers and homophobes across the state, that gay men and lesbian women represent the one group that it is still socially acceptable (not to mention politically expedient) to hate. And by doing so he gives fuel to a campaign of hate and violence that kills and maims lives every day in this country.

Bigots (and their targets) can be found everywhere, but at least in every other case they know that society condemns their intolerance. Here, Wilson officially sanctions the notion that this is one group of human beings who don’t deserve the equal rights granted to everyone else.

Homosexuality is not a choice, despite the claims of some ignorant religious fanatics. It is a fact of existence, like being right-handed or blue-eyed. It is intolerable that in California in 1991 there should still be debate about whether or not it is OK to discriminate against gay human beings. It is unthinkable that the governor should go on record condoning such discrimination and perpetuating such ignorance.



