
PLATFORM : Seek Lawful Change

<i> Assemblyman TERRY B. FRIEDMAN (D-Los Angeles) was the sponsor of the gay-rights bill vetoed last week by Gov. Wilson. He comments here on the gay and lesbian community's reaction--some of it violent--to the veto</i>

Violence and hate-filled rallies are wrong. Innocent people may be hurt, public support for equal-employment rights jeopardized and social decency compromised. I abhor the governor’s veto, but I deplore the response of those who threw objects at him at Stanford.

I am not a part of (the gay) community, but I am the legislative leader of the effort to accomplish our mutual goal for human rights. Violence and disturbing the peace do irreparable harm to this goal.

I call upon law-enforcement officials to arrest and prosecute those who are destroying property and endangering other people.


I will reintroduce AB 101 on the first day the Legislature convenes in January. An overwhelming majority of Californians support AB 101 because they believe an individual’s opportunity to have a job should depend on performance and qualifications, not his or her private, lawful behavior.
