
Oliver Stone’s Film on Kennedy

Though Klein’s fait accompli , single-bullet theory serves The Times and the Establishment like hand-in-glove, it is, on closer examination, without merit.

First, one needs to have a fragment to test a fragment. That is, if Klein looks closely at the pristine stretcher bullet, he will notice that the copper jacket has not been broken and shows smooth unblemished copper with only rifling grooves pressed into it. The test was conducted on the lead encased within the copper obtained from drilling inside the rear of the bullet, not the copper itself. The neutron-activation analysis test is not conclusive in this instance. It merely shows that the lead contents of the bullets were from the same pouring.

If Klein is serious about his high-tech analytical method, I suggest he get his hands on an electron microscope because if it is indeed the bullet, it will have both Kennedy’s and Connally’s blood pressed deep within the microscopic pores and fissures of the copper jacket.


Second, though I hunt no longer, I did hunt with a high-powered rifle (.308) for 20 years and shot everything from wolves to elk, and I can tell you in all those years that I never once saw a bullet that penetrated bone mass that had not been severely deformed, i.e., the copper jacket split with several stress fractures and large pieces of the lead interior protruding savagely from the copper jacket. None of this is in evidence on the stretcher bullet.

