
More Anglos Leave Church

Catholic bishops have worried in recent years about aggressive proselytizing of Latino Catholics by sectarian churches, but a Times Poll of the San Fernando Valley indicates that defections by Anglo Catholics may be taking a greater toll.

Of Latinos in the Valley who were reared as Catholics, three-quarters are still Catholic. Among Anglos who grew up Catholic, only 60% remain with that church.

The Latino defectors went to other denominations (17%) or have left religion altogether (9%), The Times Poll showed.


The survey gave a glimpse of the ethnic variety of Catholicism in the Valley. Nearly 4 of every 10 Catholic adults, or 39%, are Latino--a figure borne out by many Masses said in Spanish in some parishes. Another 13% of Catholics are Asian, black or of other non-Anglo heritage.

That means that about half of all Catholic adults are Anglos whereas Protestants and other non-Catholic Christians are 78% Anglo. Latinos make up 11% of non-Catholic Christians.

Overall, Latino Christians, regardless of church allegiance, are more likely than Anglo Christians to believe in a literal Bible (41% versus 19%), to believe in the existence of the devil and hell (73% versus 50%) and to attend services weekly (42% versus 34%).
