
Living With Less : For information:

The Consumer Resource Center offers free consumer tips, money-saving hints and budgeting help for just about everything. Call (818) 885-4726.

For information about Creative Parenthood, its programs and baby-sitting co-op, call (818) 981-7622.

Get information about the West Valley’s baby-sitting co-op or ask about forming your own by calling (818) 713-8069.


For updated library programs and information about the bookmobile and literacy programs, write: Public Information, 548 S. Spring St., Los Angeles 90013.

For Mission College’s “Life Management,” “Food Production” and “Nutritional Aspects of Weight Control” courses, as well as classes about stretching food stamps, call (818) 365-8271, Exts. 7665 or 7625.

To find out about the Bartering Club in Burbank and the American Commerce Exchange, call (818) 769-2223.
