
Jaclyn Smith Has Talents That Transcend

Rosenberg’s credibility as an entertainment journalist-critic drops yet another notch in the tepid, decomposed humor attempted in his puzzling attack on Smith.

“Cool and composed” are strong elements in Smith’s performing persona, just as they were in Grace Kelly’s, just as “charming and debonair” were ingrained in Cary Grant’s persona.

Smith is far more complex than “cool and composed,” and has the ability to express it. Though her material is nowhere near that of Meryl Streep’s or Glenn Close’s (Rosenberg’s examples), she has managed to convince an audience of her terror (“The Bourne Identity”), her anger (“Rage of Angels”), her coquettishness (“George Washington”) and her emotion (“Lies Before Kisses”), to name only a few. She can cry, she can laugh, she can care, and she can persuade an audience to cry, laugh and to care.


