
Friends of Fox and Studio’s Expansion

As two of the more than 3,300 Westside residents who are members of Friends of Fox, and who endorse the studio-use-only rezoning effort by Fox Studios, we would like to correct a couple of points made in the Dec. 29 article.

First of all, John Klein, president of Friends of Fox, organized this group with concerned residents, and then we approached Fox to assist us with basic provisions, such as meeting place accommodations and postage.

Second, although we have spent several volunteer hours with the organization in support of the studio’s rezoning effort, we have never toured the studio, attended a film screening or received a T-shirt.


As Friends of Fox, our fundamental interest is to protect and improve the quality of life in our neighborhoods adjacent to Fox Studios. And there are no incentives that could be used to sway us from this primary concern.


Los Angeles
