


Warren Farrell, author of “The Liberated Man” and “Why Men Are the Way They Are,” created a new vocabulary long before Robert Bly searched the masculine mystique for the buried soul of the Iron John/ Wild Man. Although he’s often referred to as the spokesperson for the “sensitive male,” Farrell’s argot is not yet common language, unless you happen to attend a meeting of the National Coalition of Free Men. Herewith, some new-male slang for those eager to bridge the gender gap.

androcide: n. the death rate of males, attributable to social expectations of males as breadwinners and dominant characters in the workplace, and the fact that women live nearly eight years longer than men.

attache: n. a woman or man with whom one shares a deep emotional bond. “My attache gives me balance, friendship and freedom.”

father hunger: n. a man’s longing for someone to teach him how to be a man who can recognize his own emotions. “His father hunger was so intense that he sold his business and became a weekend warrior.”

gamesmanship: n. the male-oriented success syndrome that requires confident, decisive and strong behavior and a deep, unemotional voice.


living friend: n. communal partners who don’t wish to disclose or categorize their relationship. “Having a living friend is good for seniors on a budget.”

male bribes: n. The symbols of success in modern society--money, power, prestige--that allow men to be accepted by their peers and colleagues. “His life was a series of male bribes and emotional compromises until he became an androcide statistic.”

male mother: n. a mentor. “His male mother is his gymnastics coach.”

railroad sex: n. the act of progressing from eye contact to sexual intercourse with as little verbal communication as possible. “After 10 years of marriage, the usual railroad sex just wasn’t good enough.”

success object: n. an attache chosen for his or her ability to attain male bribes (material wealth). “She’s looking for a success object, not a part-time house painter.”

te: pron. an androgynous pronoun, he or she. “Where is te?”

tes: pron. a possessive androgynous pronoun, his or her. “Where is tes coat?”

tir: pron. an objective androgynous pronoun, him or her. “Have you seen tir?”

wormboys: n. men who shy away from a committed relationship. “She had had enough of wormboys , now she wanted a man.”
