
Wilson’s Budget Proposals

Wilson has provided us with some interesting choices in his latest state budget. Do we want to support welfare programs or elementary schools? Do we want to support preventive health care for children or Medi-Cal for adults? Do we want to support prisons or parks? Do we want to support community colleges or higher education?

In these tough budgetary times, we hear of the sacrifices low-income citizens must make through cuts in social programs, and the sacrifices middle-income citizens must make through higher college costs and reductions in recreational facilities. What we do not hear is any talk of how wealthy citizens and corporations will be helping us through this crisis. Maybe if we asked them politely, they could come up with some innovative suggestions.

Now it may be true that Californians are willing to cut aid to single welfare mothers in order to maintain an attractive business climate, or that they are willing to see working students priced out of a college education instead of raising taxes on wealthy individuals. But let’s at least talk about it first.


