
SANTA ANA : Targeted Companies Mounting Protest

Angry workers and operators at towing, recycling and auto-wrecking companies are expected to jam the City Council meeting tonight to protest an ordinance regulating those industries.

The ordinance would impose new standards requiring impound, salvage and vehicle storage yards that are not within an enclosed building to be landscaped and surrounded by decorative masonry walls. The ordinance would also require the businesses to be more than 500 feet from residential zones.

“They’re trying to kill us,” said James Fine of J & R Towing. “They’re trying to make existing and new companies meet . . . rigid restrictions and new codes.”


Fine called the proposed rules impossible for many companies to meet because they are located closer than 500 feet to residential zones and said the ordinance would virtually ensure that some companies will be driven out of business.

The council meeting will be at City Hall, 20 Civic Center Plaza, at 6 p.m.
