
Way to Victory Over Crime

Several hundred Valley residents benefited from a recent crime awareness program which we conducted at Shepherd of the Hills Church in Northridge.

As event organizers, we wished to thank Devonshire Division Captain Proctor and Senior Lead Officers Jim Dellinger and Rick Gibby for their generous contributions of time and for serving as program moderators. We extend our thanks to the panelists, all of whom have served prison sentences for various offenses, and who wanted to share their experiences so that citizens in attendance would be better informed.

The spirit displayed by Devonshire Division reflects the new civic spirit of community-based policing promoted by Deputy Chief Kroeker. We wish to thank Jess Moody, Patrick Moody and the staff of the Shepherd of the Hills Church for use of their facility for the program. KGIL broadcast public service announcements and several printers produced brochures for us.


Our community faces crime daily. Teamwork, as evidenced in our program, is the key to victory over the scourge of crime. Our thanks to everyone.



