
Rock and Rose

Regarding “Chances Are,” by Robert Hilburn (Jan. 12):

Looking over Hilburn’s list of potential artists to be named to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, I can only feel sorry for Pete Rose. Poor Pete, locked out of the Baseball Hall of Fame for such a mundane thing as gambling.

At least rock’s hall can look forward to honoring Madonna (simulates performing fellatio on bottles and masturbating on stage); Michael Jackson (is there a part of him we haven’t seen him grab?); Neil Young, Elton John and Bonnie Raitt, all of whom have acknowledged drug or alcohol problems over the years, and other artists who have been guilty of acts ranging from adultery to providing hookers for guests at parties.

It’s nice to know that rock ‘n’ roll doesn’t care about the private lives of musicians. Hey, Pete, I hear there’s an opening with the Rolling Stones.



