
Long Beach : Council Hears Ideas on How to Curtail Street Beggars

Everybody agreed that something needs to be done to curb begging on the streets of Long Beach, but at the end of a two-hour discussion neither the City Council nor a procession of speakers seemed to know what to do.

The council, considering a motion by Councilman Wallace Edgerton to license panhandling, wound up sending the issue to a council committee and the city manager for further review.

Edgerton said he did not know if licensing is the solution, but he wanted to call attention to the problem. “There’s an overwhelming concern about this panhandling problem. . . . Surely there’s a better answer than to continually do nothing.”


Councilman Warren Harwood agreed. “We are tired of being assaulted, intimidated and having our rights taken away,” he complained.

But other councilmen argued that more profound solutions are needed. “You do not solve this by law and order,” Councilman Ray Grabinski said.

“Licensing is totally ineffective,” Councilman Tom Clark contended, saying the police have other priorities.


Council members will take up the matter again after it has been reviewed by one of their committees and by city staff.
