
National Guard

As a member of the California National Guard currently deployed in South Los Angeles, myself and my fellow soldiers in the past days have had very few opportunities to keep track of news reports due to the many hours we have spent patrolling the streets.

Recently, however, we finally found the chance to read more than just the headlines through the newspaper vending machines.

What we found was appalling.

The reports by local and state officials explaining the deployment problems of the Guard were inaccurate, at best, with the blame falling on the troops themselves all the way to the lack of ammunition.


True, we had no ammo, but the soldiers of my particular company were ready for deployment within three hours after the initial alert was given; but for some reason we sat waiting to “hit the streets” for more than 36 hours in both our armory and forward command post.

As for the lack-of-ammunition snafus, it is the responsibility of the 40th Division and state National Guard commanders to have supplies constantly ready in case of an emergency or disaster (such as a major earthquake). Why this was not addressed by our commanders, I do not know.

I can say, however, that the “grunts” of my unit have given more than 100%, and we greatly appreciate the widespread support the community has shown us.


After what has happened recently with our higher command I can say I will not re-enlist.

