

This week we offer a sample of the early mail on “How Bruce Got a Life,” Robert Hilburn’s profile last Sunday of Bruce Springsteen. Look for more next week--and, hey, it’s not too late to add your voice to the chorus.

No, no, no, no, no, no! Not another Robert Hilburn testimonial to the divinity of Bruce Springsteen!

Hilburn is so star-struck by the mere presence of “The Boss” that he actually lauds the man for “pausing frequently to reflect on a question before responding to it.”


Would someone please explain to Hilburn the difference between articulating a response and being slow on thought?

Not only was this article hero worship of the first degree, but it was recycled to boot. He quoted the same lyrics that he had previously used in his now-infamous review of “Lucky Town” in addition to quoting lyrics from an album he reviewed five years ago, “Tunnel of Love.”

I’m really happy that Springsteen got a life. Now, Mr. Hilburn, why don’t you?


San Diego
