
Tamoxifen Benefits

In 1980 I had a mastectomy. My five years to “safety” were almost up in May, 1985, when a chest X-ray showed that the cancer had, after all, metastasized.

Our family doctor referred me to an oncologist. Together they conferred and decided to put me on tamoxifen. A second opinion from Norris Center in Los Angeles confirmed this as the preferred treatment for me. When my lungs were X-rayed again three months later, the cancer was in complete remission and has been ever since. Seven more years of life, or 12 from the original operation! The only side effects for me have been rather minor “hot flashes.” Some patients, such as Marilyn Sonnichsen (letter, July 2), seem more sensitive to side effects. Also, as I understand it, post-menopausal patients seem to benefit more from tamoxifen than younger women. Among the good side effects: reduction of “bad” cholesterol, raising of “good” cholesterol, strengthening of bones so that osteoporosis is not such a threat.


Laguna Niguel
